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A guiding hand in resolving disputes
Most people faced with an intimidating decision of whether to start a family law case are not aware that they have choices as to what dispute-resolution process to use. Which process is best for you will be determined, in large part, by how well the parties can communicate with each other.
There is the traditional, leverage-based path of adversarial litigation. Litigation certainly has its place. It is the only option when the parties just cannot put anger and fear aside. In the litigation model, the parties follow prescribed court procedures and rely on the court to make decisions for them.
However, there are other options. More and more people are choosing the alternative dispute-resolution models of mediation and Collaborative Process.
Understanding mediation and Collaborative Process
Mediation typically uses one trained intermediary to assist the parties in facilitating discussion. Ideally, the parties are each represented by attorneys who counsel them on issues to discuss during the mediation but typically do not attend the mediation. The mediator helps the parties negotiate settlement terms and creates a memorandum of understanding that the parties then give their attorneys as the basis for the creation of formal settlement agreements.
Growing in popularity is the multidisciplinary Collaborative Process. This model is a goals-based approach wherein both parties are represented by attorneys. Additional professionals can be hired to become part of the collaborative team. Coaches (psychological professionals), financial neutrals, and child specialists are all additional neutral participants that can be invaluable in aiding the parties to reach a highly tailored agreement that best accomplishes both parties’ stated goals.
Helping you through a difficult time
Our attorneys are trained and have extensive experience in each dispute-resolution method. Call us today to schedule an appointment and we will help you evaluate the best dispute-resolution path to fit the unique needs of your family. We offer a free 30-minute consultation. You can reach us by phone at 847-412-9950 or contact us at the link below to schedule an appointment.