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Effectively representing your concerns
In 2016, Illinois adopted statutes that impact divorce proceedings. Specifically, the new laws impact parenting time schedules and decision-making, which are each defined as they pertain to divorce. In many divorce proceedings, issues surrounding parenting, decision-making, child support and child expense allocation are among the most difficult to resolve. Reaching agreement on where the children will live and who takes responsibility for certain financial obligations can be a daunting task.
To reach your objectives, it is crucial to work with an attorney who has a thorough understanding of the recent changes to the laws on parenting time allocation, decision-making, child support, spousal support and modifications of prior orders.
You can count on the attorneys at LSR Family Law Group to employ the full breadth of our experience in these matters to secure positive results on your behalf. We passionately and tirelessly pursue innovative solutions, with a constant focus on ensuring that you and your children are in the best possible position as you move forward.
Parenting time schedules and decision-making
Our attorneys help divorcing couples reach agreement on parenting plans that serve the best interests of their children without excluding the rights of either parent. In Cook and Lake counties, the court requires mediation in parenting and parenting schedule issues. We can help you prepare for mediation and if necessary, take your case to court to protect your interests.
Experienced and empathetic child support attorneys
Every family law determination concerning children revolves around what is in the best interest of the child. Studies have shown that children adjust best to divorce and separation when both parents contribute to their health, education and well-being. It is also unfair for one parent to bear the burden of raising a child.
Accordingly, Illinois law is based on the assumption that both parents have an obligation to support the children. The new "income shares model" child support calculation formula implements that assumption. As part of this model, courts allocate the amount of child support between the parents based on the ratio each parent's income compared to the total of both their incomes. The amount of shared child support is derived from an actuary-developed standard depending on the number of children and the total of both parents' incomes.
Courts also take into consideration other factors such as income tax and which parent pays for the children's health insurance. However, not all expenses that are deductible for income tax purposes are allowable in determining income for child support calculation.
The attorneys at LSR Family Law Group take a close look at all of these factors in making certain any child support determination made by the court is correct. We closely examine expenses for health care, school tuition, extracurricular activities and other needs to reach the most favorable financial arrangement for those we represent. In addition, we work to secure a clear financial picture to present to the court.
Spousal maintenance
In divorces involving one spouse who was the primary wage earner, the other spouse may have a claim for spousal maintenance, also known as spousal support or alimony. We understand the factors the court considers in making these decisions. Whether you are the spouse seeking maintenance or the spouse defending against a maintenance request, we will present the most compelling argument possible to support your position.
Looking out for your interests
Contact our Northbrook area office today to discuss your parenting time schedules and decision-making and support questions with an attorney. We offer a free 30-minute consultation. You can reach us by phone at 847-412-9950 or contact us at the link below to schedule an appointment.